Jim Scullion

Artist and Illustrator

The Artist


Welcome to the website dedicated to the work of Award-winning Artist and Illustrator Jim Scullion who is one of Europe’s most sought after Sport Artists. In a career spanning over 45 years Jim has completed a massive body of work, working both with traditional materials and by using Digital Art. Although widely know in the world of sport as a leading sport artist, his non sport works are now just as popular with collectors.

The Vision

Using Art To Help Others

 Throughout his career Jim has gifted much of his works to charities helping to raise over 5 Million Pounds for causes close to his heart. This site explores his background, his work, his exhibitions, his involvement with charities and his workshops with young people and those facing adversity. Jim will also share art tutorials along with his thoughts and reviews on everything including art, travel, cinema, books, art materials, music etc in the Blog and News Section.

The passion

The Art of Celtic

In 2024 Jim Scullion will celebrate his 40th Anniversary of working alongside Celtic Football Club as an Artist. His Celtic artwork has appeared on postcards, Christmas cards, Posters, Prints, T Shirts, Jigsaws, cups, Programme covers etc as well as paintings and Murals within the stadium and his artwork has also been reproduced 35 foot high on the Legends Banners that adorned the outside of the stadium for many years. In recent years he has given his time freely to work alongside groups at Celtic Park as organised by the Celtic Foundation. This site site also looks at his special relationship with the club.


Sign up for Newsletter

If you wish to keep up to date with the work of Jim Scullion you can register for a newsletter which will contain information regarding exhibitions, new prints etc. also those registered will receive discount opportunities and advance access to purchase special prints. Simply complete the form below and submit it. Registration is free.

Interested in buying a print, an original artwork or commissioning your own special piece contact Jim Scullion by completing this form and submitting it.